Animals domèstics 1 * | (Pets and domestic animals 1) | |
Animals domèstics 2 ** | (Pets and domestic animals 2) | |
Cries d'animals ** | (Baby animals) | |
Mamífers catalans ** | (Catalan mammals) | |
Insectes i d'altres animals petits 1 ** | (Insects and other small animals 1) | |
Insectes i d'altres animals petits 2 *** | (Insects and other small animals 2) | |
Ocells catalans 1 *** | (Catalan birds 1) | |
Ocells catalans 2 *** | (Catalan birds 2) | |
Rèptils i amfibis *** | (Reptiles and amphibians) | |
Animals africans ** | (African animals) | |
Animals americans *** | (American animals) | |
Animals marins *** | (Animals of the seas) | |
Plagues i paràsits *** | (Infestations and parasites) | |
Parts del cos 1 ** | (Parts of the body 1) | |
Parts del cos 2 *** | (Parts of the body 2) | |
Parts del cos 3 *** | (Parts of the body 3) |
* | principiants |
** | intermedi |
*** | avançat |